Eötvös Loránd University
Laboratory of Electrochemistry &
Electroanalytical Chemistry

Conducting polymers–A new era in electrochemistry

The 2nd edition of the book authored by G. Inzelt is published by Springer (2012, Berlin–Heidelberg) in the series of Monographs in Electrochemistry (series ed. Fritz Scholz).

About the book:

The discovery of polymers with variable conductivity brought forth a paradigmatic change in chemistry and in other branches of science and technology. Electrochemistry has played a central role in the preparation, characterization and application of these new materials. This book is a systematic survey of the knowledge accumulated in this field in the last thirty years. It includes thermodynamic aspects, the theory of the mechanism of charge transport processes, the chemical and physical properties of these compounds, the techniques of characterization, the chemical and electrochemical methods of synthesis as well as the application of these systems. The book contains a compilation of the polymers prepared so far and covers the relevant literature.

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Conducting polymers have conquered a very wide field of electrochemical research. Like metals and alloys, inorganic semiconductors, molecular and electrolyte solutions, and inorganic electroactive solids, they form a group of compounds and materials with very specific properties. In electrochemistry, the study of conducting polymers is now a research field of its own. The electrochemistry of conducting polymers possesses similarities with all the above-mentioned compounds and materials, and this makes it a very fascinating research topic and led to numerous new applications spanning from corrosion protection to analysis. The number of electrochemical papers on conducting polymers is extremely high, and a good number of books on this topic are also available. However, the editor of the present series of Monographs in Electrochemistry has seen that there is no modern monograph on the market in which the electrochemistry of conducting polymers is treated with the right balance of completeness and selectivity. To write such a monograph it needs an active electrochemist who is experienced with conducting polymers and who possesses a solid knowledge of the theoretical foundations of electrochemistry. I am very happy that Gyo¨rgy Inzelt from the Eo¨tvo¨s Lornd University in Budapest, Hungary, has agreed to write this monograph. I hope that graduate students in electrochemistry, chemistry and physics of materials, industrial chemists, and researchers at universities and industry alike will find the study of this monograph enjoyable, stimulating, and helpful for their work.

Prof. Dr. Fritz Scholz, editor of the series: Monographs in Electrochemistry

From the reviews:

"The book presents a valuable guide through the great deal of the research done on conductive polymers, and [...] welcome to the researchers as a precious stock of 1633 references!"

Ljerka Duić, Croatica Chemica Acta, Vol. 82 (3), 2009